all images and stories are the property of Catherine Beerda-Basso and are not to be used without given permission...thank you

Monday, 11 June 2012

Mondays Offering...

For the kids...
and all those...
who struggle to live...

"I know that you get overwhelmed
But just relax
You feel like time is running out
And you could fall between the cracks
And nothing that you've ever done
Is ever good enough

Breathe in now
Receive another name
Breathe in now
Live without the blame

I know you haven't figured out
What happens next
You feel like you have lost your way
'Cause you don't know which way to step
It feels like every time you try to walk you only crawl
Just open up your eyes and know that I won't let you fall

'Cause all you ever wanted
And all you ever needed
Is waiting here with me
You have all been livin'
A life I have forgiven
So know that you are free
Know that you are free


(dressed up with a place to go)
this past weekend was filled with emotions for me
I am sorry if this topic grows tired for you
but for me the fragility of life
was ever present...
as I sat in the arena waiting for the grad ceremony to begin
my mind went over all we had walked to get here
and I swelled with tear filled gratitude
my mind also went to my sister friend
whose daughter's memorial was the same day
and I said tear filled prayers
and swelled with tear filled gratitude
and as the class mate was remembered
the one who took his life at the beginning of the year
and again the tears, the sorrow, the gratitude
was ever present

...a re-offering of a heart song
written May ,2011

The Clay Pot

How many times?
How many times can a clay pot be broken?
How many times can you glue it back together
with hopes of it functioning the same?
Can you fill it as full?
Will the insides weep out?
Does it not loose it's value"
Does it not loose it's beautiful?
How many times can a clay pot be glued back together,
before ti is time to just
throw it away?

Coming out of a very difficult month
these are the things I ponder
Dark days took me, 
and I wondered how much I could take
Words whispered
"You're alone"
"This is hopeless"
"You can't do this"

Only lies

I lay my broken self out
piece by piece
They are all there
every piece
I am broken...yes
but each part of me is in tact
contrary to what the whispering voices
would have me believe
They would have me believe
that I am lost,
that I am not whole
but clearly
through tear filled eyes
I can see all of me
every piece

I let the emotions wave over me
and again
and again
I will not run from them
I will not hide
The worst has already happened
i am already lying in pieces
There is nothing more to fear

What would light be if there was not darkness
What is it that it should bring such fear?
For is there not beauty found in the darkness?

The safety found in a lovers touch
The quiet snores of children sleeping
The stillness of a summers night
The showcase of the starry night
The brilliance of the waning moon
The joy of feeling like you are the 
only human awake
while the rest of the world sleeps
After a hard day, the darkness can actually bring relief
The relief of knowing tomorrow is a new day
and this one is done
And for now 
in the dim
we can

Every piece is there
Each accounted for
And with the help of The Potter
I place each piece
back together
and they fit
~Catherine Beerda-Basso
copyright 2011

(taken right after grad ceremonies)
there are always reasons to die...
there are even more reasons to live

Embrace Life today my lovelies
there is no wrong or right way of doing that
there is only doing

Love and Light


  1. My heart melted at that last photo--the tenderness between you. He's so handsome! I think he looks like you. Feeling grateful alongside you.
    Catherine Denton

  2. Beautiful lady. I love that photo of the both of you. Loved waking to your email yesterday too! sorry for not replying yet.
    Go Man child!! you did it! you BOTH did it :) such an inspiration to me. much love xoxox

  3. Beautiful! I read your your story too and loved it. Absolutely fragile and strong.
    Loved the sOng too.

  4. This is so beautiful it takes my breathe away.....

  5. And I've played the song so many times now, my keyboard is tear-stained.

  6. I love your poem.
    You have grown one fine young man there.

  7. This post brought up so much deep emotion, i had to gather myself to comment on it..and i'm without words but tear filled. the song..omg.. receive another name.. that did it. there is so much here.. so much magnitude that i don't know how to express anything other than awe at the mystery and depth of life and relationships. i burst into tears, song playing and then came to the pic of you and your son. omg.. my mama heart connected to yours in that instant. so much here in this post.. so much. love you xoxo

  8. "I can see all of me
    every piece"
    It is incredible to be able to see all of yourself, to acknowledge all of yourself, though you may be shattered.
    I love all this celebration mixed with sorrow, somehow it is very appropriate. xo

  9. since i have some time right now, i'm trying to pop in to my friend's places again. i know i have been absent for some time. you have always been thought of fondly though, even if i have not commented.

    i'm so glad i read this today. today is a Hard Day. and your words are bringing me hope and encouragement. this song is perfect too. thank you for being you. you're a beautiful person. so much love. <3


Your voice is welcome here, your connection appreciated. Love and Light