all images and stories are the property of Catherine Beerda-Basso and are not to be used without given permission...thank you

Friday, 8 June 2012

Keeping it Real...

Keeping it Real with the lovely

Every Friday 
Monica invites her readers to
"Share your own ups-downs, lows-highs, hits-misses, dark-light,
peaks-valleys, plus-minuses,
as we keep the blogosphere real."

The Ebb:

~balancing work and family
~no quite enough sleep
~the constant rain
~the 16 year old who took her own life
and the sister who has to say good bye...
carrying that sister since the news
came my way
I have stood at that door
but failure became my friend
not so for my sister
my heart aches for her


~my son who I stood at that door with
graduates tomorrow
it's been a long road
and we are finally here
~the joy of seeing my sons confidence bloom as he is head hunted by an Art Institute
~more ink
~little boy stories
~mamma raccoon with three babies in our ravine
~warm sunny breaks


Love and Light

Link up here at Ink and Chai


  1. oh that's so so sad about that 16-yr-old. leaves everyone feeling so helpless too.

    wow, new ink, with an owl!!!, and a graduated son!

  2. Those of us who feel deeply, feel they are never enough, my heart goes out to you.

    When the sunshine comes out in the form of a son who fills our heart this is the reward for loving deeply. x

  3. My heart broke for the mother of the girl. so much pain. I'm so glad you didn't have to cross the threshold of that same door and that failure was indeed your friend. LOVE the tat. WOW WOW.. love. ( I'm going next week for something myself.)and so many congrats to you and your son. graduating and being sought after for a gift. how mindblowing is that?? happy beyond words for the happy parts of your week, holding you and your friend for the horribly painfilled parts xoxo

  4. This is such a mixture of all the emotions. I am always amazed at what you live through in a week. Love that tat too - it suits you.

  5. Mama raccoon - quite a site. My heart now aches for that family. I am sending healing thoughts. Happy graduation and many smiles sent your direction.

  6. Head hunted by an art institute!!!!!!!!!! How fabulous!!!! Loving the ink!! LOVING the ink!!!! Sooooooo tempted.

  7. P.S. The 16 year old..... well that just breaks my heart. Prayers for the family and friends. How devastating.

  8. I want to see the full tattoo - that picture is a tease! - it looks amazing!
    I am fascinated by the rise and fall - never ceases to amaze me - hope it never will.


Your voice is welcome here, your connection appreciated. Love and Light