all images and stories are the property of Catherine Beerda-Basso and are not to be used without given permission...thank you

Thursday, 20 June 2013

A Soul-full Journey...Day 12

Morning Meditation
"Discover Gratitude"
and by doing so
experience your true self ...
what a gift!

dropping the little man off at school
and taking Ruger to the vet
to get a tooth pulled

yay! i get to ride in the car!!! Usually I am in the back of the truck...wonder where we are going???

we are going where???!!!???

I don't quite know how I feel about that!

Hatha Yoga
I thought since I am taking you here
almost everyday
you should see where it is I go
(this is where I do the TRX as well)

Today we accessed the warriors within
working with our warrior one, two and three stances
awakening the Strength
awakening the Steadiness
awakening the Determination
all held together by Integrity.
These beautiful postures are named after the great hero warrior Virabhadra from Hindu mythology.  
(The legs and arms need to be strong and extended, the legs are straight forming a triangle, the hips flexible, the chest open and well-lifted, and the spine extended.)
Viraghadra was born out of the suffering and pain
of grief
that came to his father
when his wife was killed.
This is what makes the warrior posses unique
they encompass both life and death
embracing the full cycle
of life.
Viraghadra would destroy to save, 
and the philosophical implications of his exploits 
were to defeat the ego, 
teaching us to live a humble and grounded life.
 When we practice the Warrior Poses
 (Virabhadrasana I, II, or III) 
we are learning to cultivate the mind of the warrior, 
who must go into battle 
unattached to the fruits of his actions. 
Only by transcending the ego, 
and living completely in the present moment, 
can we learn to find the courage and determination 
to take on all of life’s challenges 
without losing our inner balance and calm. 
Virabhadrasana teaches us to go into the field of life
and stay in the center of our being, 
without being pulled in alldirections. 
These are some of the most valuable lessons 
needed in today’s fast paced world 
where we are faced daily with struggle 
to maintain balance between all of the 
demands and  stress life throws our way.
As it has been all this week during this time of fasting
my shamanic journeys have been
entering my yoga practice
This time it came in the form of a Griffon
He was firm with me.
Like Wolf has been he is firm with me...very loving but firm, challenging me
He said to me you are strong...
I feel myself shrink inside, just a little, because of doubt are strong, you have an important purpose, it is time to stop thinking you are strong and time to BE strong...
this hit me deep
like a corn kernel must feel like
when it is popped
 ...time to stop thinking I am strong and start being strong
my beautiful friend and gifted teacher Antje
I have been saturating in that
all day
and letting it seep into my being.
The puppy is home
he is a bit of a mess
poor thing
I just returned home from a 
Seeds of Love and Hope meeting
making plans for up coming events
We have a group leaving to go down in a week
Young people...ahhh youth
its a lovely thing....

Tomorrow is Solstice
and my last day of fasting
And as this new season descends
I feel grateful for all this life brings. 

my puppy needs a hug
my little man needs a snuggle
and my hubby needs some time

so goodnight my lovelies
Blessed Solstice to you
Love and Light


  1. Honoured to see my doodle on your table :)

    1. Oops that doesn't sound right does

    2. I hoped you would see it : )

      love you
      love and light

    3. lol you said doodle!!!

  2. Hi my yogini sister, I love warrior pose too, yesterday we did Moon sequence (Chandra Namaskar), we have a full moon Sunday so the energy is high, feel the waves of love as the 'supermoon' sails through the sky and exerts it's pull on 'our' ocean!

    Namaste x

  3. you are strong
    and you've taught - are teaching me - to thrive not just survive
    your present arrived today on my actual day! perfect timing THANK YOU and I love it

    Love n Light

    1. yes Cat
      life is beyond surviving
      it truly is about thriving
      you are strong too sister

      love and light

  4. i love being on this journey with you.
    you are strong.


    1. mmmm what you see in me is with in you
      that is the truth sister!
      thank you for being on this journey with me
      it means so much

      love and light

  5. So beautiful Cat, and moving. I must get back to yoga, i love the knowledge you bring, and i am awed by your journey and your mission. Happy Solstice to you.

    1. thank you!
      yoga has been so good for my mind and spirit
      I am not great at it...but it is great for me : )
      lovely to see you here!

      love and light


Your voice is welcome here, your connection appreciated. Love and Light