all images and stories are the property of Catherine Beerda-Basso and are not to be used without given permission...thank you

Monday, 4 March 2013

Mondays Offering...a song and a thought...

I take these pills to make me thin
I dye my hair, and cut my skin
I try everything, to make them see me
But all they see, is someone that's not me

Even when I'm walking on a wire
Even when I set myself on fire
Why do I always feel invisible, invisible
Everyday I try to look my best
Even though inside I'm such a mess
Why do I always feel invisible, invisible

[Verse 2]
Here inside, my quiet hell
You cannot hear, my cries for help
I try everything, to make them see me
But every one, sees what I can't be

Even when I'm walking on a wire
Even when I set myself on fire
Why do I always feel invisible, invisible
Everyday I try to look my best
Even though inside I'm such a mess
Why do I always feel invisible, invisible

Sometimes when I'm alone
I pretend that I'm a queen
It's almost believable

Even when I'm walking on a wire
Even when I set myself on fire
Why do I always feel invisible, invisible
Everyday I try to look my best
Even though inside I'm such a mess
Why do I always feel invisible, invisible

who of us have not felt these words?
who have us have not felt less then?
who of us have wondered....
what is "this" all about?  

I know I have
Seasons of lack and darkness
Seasons of loneliness and deprivation  
feeling unheard

As you walk out into your week, my lovelies
be open to seeing those who feel this way
and tell them the truth

this could mean somthing as simple
as a smile with soul eye contact

and if you're living this song,
if you are in a place of feeling
look for those who want to connect
and want to let you know
that you are seen
that you matter
that your broken heart
breaks mine

Love big and bright my lovelies
it really matters...

Love and Light


  1. Needed that today. Thanks, Cat. :)

  2. touching. Thanks dear friend for that inspiration...I will try my best to make someone feel known today!:) XOXO


  3. i just did this, for another woman, i let her know her self-worth is not controlled by anyone other than her, that she is beautiful and strong and wonderful, and not to believe otherwise.

    funny thing is, even though i need to hear it, myself, i feel right now that all i *really* need is some good sleep.

    bless you for your honesty and your lovely loveliness shining through....

    love and light

  4. Thank you dear Cat for all your encouraging words, they all weave together telling your beautiful story! x

  5. So beautiful, just like you. You know what's weird? I do this everyday for those around me. It's my passion to get to the heart and I succeed most times but you know what I forgot?? me. I forgot me and even though I get to others' hearts, I realized I do feel invisible so you leading me here, made ME feel seen and it was weird realizing the last 24 hours that invisible is exactly how I feel lately. Thanks Cat for being empathic you. xoxo I see you in this beautiful post. Your heart just shines.


Your voice is welcome here, your connection appreciated. Love and Light