all images and stories are the property of Catherine Beerda-Basso and are not to be used without given permission...thank you

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Simple Prayers...

Grant me the Serenity
to accept the things I can not change
The Courage 
to change the things that I can
The Wisdom
to know the difference

Love and Light
my Lovelies


  1. now you KNOW i am going to be writing this or printing this out and putting it up everywhere my eyes can see! i know the prayer well but i think i need it visually in front of me at all times during this time of the month..i thank you again and again, not only for this but for your grace and your love and your gifts and compassion. you are an amazing woman. love love xoxo

  2. I love that prayer. Always have.

  3. I have always believed in these words and have acted upon it sometimes, if not all the times. These wise words really helped me out in my moments of extreme restlessness. It gives us two vital life lessons : Acceptance and Courage. It also teaches us about Balance :when we should let go and when we should not give up.
    Sometimes, it becomes really difficult to know the difference between the two-sometimes, we try to control so much and sometimes, we give away control easily...yet, as I grow older ,perhaps I get to know a little better, each day when to do what.
    take care,

  4. I join your list to add my amen to this, thanks for the reminder.

    Loved the video you re-posted the other day from Rain, I'm going to replay and spend another 18 minutes to digest the finer points, I was captivated.x

  5. Thank you for your email and these words both there and here. I started bawling and my hubby said, "Oh honey you are more emotional today..." I was just so relieved and the words healed my soul and helped with dealing with all the violence lately...
    Thanks for being you dear sister soul:)

  6. Beautiful words
    I've always loved this prayer


Your voice is welcome here, your connection appreciated. Love and Light