all images and stories are the property of Catherine Beerda-Basso and are not to be used without given permission...thank you

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

from within...

I've found my way 
by paying attention
my ear to the earth
my eyes to the sky
watching those around me

I've taken on things about others
as my own
only to discover my own self
thru their threads
I've copied
I've mimicked
I've adored
I've been in awe

Through every soul
I journeyed closer to me

Little did I know
they were reflecting
what was already
inside my own self
my own being
and by being
I became

by Catherine Beerda-Basso
copyright 2012


  1. Beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxoxo

  2. So true! What beauty in your being and in the truth of your words;) Anne of green gables once said imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I think perhaps it also transforms facets of being into our souls and bursts them out in a different form. I loved this. Creative and thoughtful;)

  3. YES! Another amazing post that just resonates. Your blog is such a blessing

  4. I LOVE your photography!
    Who takes the photos of you ? ? ?
    I LOVE your words xxx

    1. most times they are self portraits Cat
      but the one at the end is taken by my husband...
      : )

  5. "what was already
    inside my own self"


  6. The beautiful revealing of self and soul. It is wonderfully wrapped into the lives of others and yet, singular.


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