all images and stories are the property of Catherine Beerda-Basso and are not to be used without given permission...thank you

Friday, 18 January 2013

a little something...

What if...

What if I told you
that everything you ever needed
was already inside of you
What if I told you
that you were loved and cared for
beyond your own thoughts of Love
What if I told you
that inside of you lay a purpose
deeper and bigger than what you are able
to imagine
What if I told you
that you were beautiful
beyond compare
and special
beyond words
What if I told you
that without
this world would not be complete
What if I told you
that life is so much more
than what you see
What if I told you
worldly success is not success at all
but that success
real success
can only be found in Love
What if I told you
that magic is real
What if I told you
you were magic
What if I told you
What if I told
What if I 
What if

Would you believe?

What are you believing about yourself today
my lovelies?

Love and Light


  1. What if I told you that you were all that and inspiring?;) what if I told you that yes I believe it- would you feel joy in your deepest soul? I did reading this post;)

  2. This is so special, just what the doctor ordered for me today, thank you everso...... hugs

  3. Perfect, love and magic. Makes my heart sing! I received a postcard from you today, thank you :). Today, I am believing in my ancient soul. xo

  4. real success can only be found in Love..... yes.

  5. Beautiful ! Touched my core in deep ways, thank you for sharing !

  6. Such a beautiful photo. Isn't it strange how all those things are hard to believe about ourselves? That God could possibly love us or find us beautiful, with all our flaws, scars and hurts? xx

  7. Beautiful post Cat, I read and re-read it several times. Thank you for the gorgeous card you sent, so apt, it made my heart sing. Thank you and bless you heaps sister! xx Meg


Your voice is welcome here, your connection appreciated. Love and Light