all images and stories are the property of Catherine Beerda-Basso and are not to be used without given permission...thank you

Saturday, 31 December 2011

On this the Last Day...

Back in the beginning of this year I had dubbed it 
I had no idea what that fully would bring,
but I knew it was the right path for me.
So much so that I have discovered that Owl has always been apart of my life
this was not just something for this year
but for the years that have past
and the years that are to come.

The beginning of this year brought storms
and through those storm came the understanding
that storms are relative to perception.
That with in each storm lies Hope and Light 
That with in each storm comes a Shelter provided for all.

This year we found a new rhythm in our family...
the old one no longer worked
so gently we walked it out
and found a new song
just in time...

This year brought this mother to her knees
as I almost lost my son to darkness and despair.
I found myself broken apart
chattered from within
and the voices would have had me believe
that all Hope was Lost...
but that was not so

It became a time of remembering
that mountains can be moved
with Faith.

It was a year where Mother Earth's beauty spoke to me
everyday that I stepped out into Her Grace...

Conversations flowed from the heart
filling the rooms in which we sat...
enlightening one another's  hearts
with our Spiritual Truth and Journeys.

This year brought successful creative outlets 
for both my boys.

We traveled together
me and my boys
a time of family and giving back.

Love of this face grew to epic proportions!

Gods Grace shone brightly over us this year...
as I felt the loss of friends
and the blessings of new ones

...and the Gift of The Creators Creatures
blessed me everyday

This year brought me the wonderment of

new Life...


the reality of Death...

and the Freedom found in Forgiveness.
This year offered me more time...

to pray
to meditate
to be.

I was blessed by a weekend away...

with 5 other women
where we connected with 
each other
 the earth
 and with the Source of all things...
which brought to me a time of re-birth
which brought to me this space.

I was given the Gift of Silence and Reflection...

where I spent time with God
and all Her beauty and gentleness.
This year...

an old, familiar seed began to grow

one that was rooted deep with in me

and that seed grew strong,
with out my help

and continues to do so...
and I have responded to this growth
I have embraced it
and all it has come to mean to me...

I know this coming year will bring
more growth
more experience
more Love
more Grace
more Connections
I look forward to it all...
but for now I ponder on the year that has past
and feel the Gratitude reflection brings.
For this is a real life.

Blessings to all of you, my lovelies,
as we enter into this New Year!

Love and Light


  1. I love your recap and this phrase just made me nod and smile:

    "The beginning of this year brought storms
    and through those storm came the understanding
    that storms are relative to perception."

    Oh, you wise woman. It's been such a deep pleasure getting to know you through this little digital world, spilling over into form.

  2. Loved this. What a year for you! Continue journeying on...Happy New Year dear friend!!!

  3. Happy New Year, beautiful Cat. I'm looking forward to witnessing your new year unfold. xo

  4. Wishing you a warm and wonderful 2012 Cat
    From one Cat to another - THANK YOU for your posts which always seem to speak to me at the right time xxx

  5. Hello lovely Cat. Loved the recap of your incredible year, may 2012 be filled with God's best for you and your family xx
    P.S. We never got to go away and do our farewell bonfire- NZ has been one giant raincloud for the last week or so. Pretty dismal...and oh yes, it's raining some more,,,

  6. happy new year, my friend. i look forward to glimpsing your sojourn as i follow my own.

    love that image of you, by the way.

  7. beautiful post. :) happy new year, dearheart. i really love the pictures in this post. thank you for sharing this intimate recap of your 2011 with us.


Your voice is welcome here, your connection appreciated. Love and Light