Warrior Woman
The road is rocky and dry
Dust kicks up as her boots hit the earth
The dry earth of too many suns
and not enough rain...
Her armour weighs heavy
But she removes not a piece
For she is in battle walking The Underworld
Calling out Demons and Exposing Shadows
Bringing them to submission and transformation
And those who do not comply
most move on to the after life
Their place here done.
Her heart at times wavers
But her feet are forever sure.
Those she passes along the way
Don't always see her truth
They don't see the branches in her hair
on which the robin perches
They can't see the owl in her face or
that her large eyes see clearly in the dark.
They don't see the eagle that circles above her
The bear that follows a few paces behind
They don't recognize the grey wolf at her side.
They only see a mangy mutt of a dog
and as for the black cat
they can't see it as the jungle Panther that it is.
Some know there is something different about her.
Her face holds the beauty and the horror she has seen
They see the lines etched into her face
of one exposed to the elements
for far too long
They can see her wild hair
like her spirit
And they know she has traveled far.
And for a brief moment
they wonder what secrets she holds
That maybe - just maybe she might know something
worth hearing.
But as soon as it comes,
the moment is gone...
And they carry on their merry way
with not a second thought
of the strange, wild woman
they past on their way.
And then there are those who know,
they know she has seen things
they need to hear about;
They see the earth change as she breathes in and out.
They long to come up beside her
taking in her essence
stepping into her world.
For it is a world that they too long for.
But they hold back...
Afraid to be seen with such a creature;
Afraid of how knowing will change their world.
Afraid of the sins of desire and freedom;
Afraid to leave the containment of a world they know
and can trust.
Even if their heart longs for it...
Even if their skin cries for it...
Even if their blood boils for it...
They simmer it down
shut it out
soothe it with words such as
and obey.
But finally
there are others
who see her clearly.
Warrior Woman
Dry Blood Crusted Wounds
tended to by the WoodLand Fairies
Eyes of Wisdom that comes from outside
the human realm.
A wild passion bubbling up from deep within
She is not one to tame
But one to honour.
They see the trophies of the demons she has harnessed
as they sway on a rope
strapped to her side.
She is not to be underestimated
She will breathe dragon fire if needed
and yet
will nurse the dying to life.
She is fierce in battle
and even fiercer in the way she loves.
She has swam the seas of lava
and marinated in the mud of time.
She has walked the corridors of endless darkness
and smelt the stench of hopelessness
Her skin saturated with the emptiness
of a thousand bottomless wells.
She has drank of the waters of Life
and been blessed by Angels Divine.
She has witnessed the Dawn of Time
When the Great Magic sang it's first song
She has held purity in her hand
and has swam in the Ocean of Love.
She needs so sword
and walks with but a staff in hand
and a lantern held high.
She has fear.
But stays on course in spite of it
Ready to kick ass when needed.
She can also soothe a babe to sleep
and make a grown man cry
with the words of her heart.
She is All.
Goddess, Sister, Daughter, Friend
She is All
Love her
Treasure her
Know her
And if you are lucky enough to see her
and all those she walks with
Step up and ask her the questions of your heart
Walk with her
Take her hand
Eat with her
Drink with her
And you will soon see
Within her eyes
There is You
~Catherine Beerda-Basso
copyright 2014
Love and Light
my Warrior Women