all images and stories are the property of Catherine Beerda-Basso and are not to be used without given permission...thank you

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Things that make me cry... the most beautiful kind of way
packages from  dear friends over seas...

the joy of "feeling the love" can bring tears.
The pain of getting the news
that another dear sister-friend

is walking with cancer
this too brings tears...
beautiful tears of love, hope, warriorism and community.

Living in the ebb and flow...

Love and Light


  1. Your tears are my tears in both kinds of ways...
    Heart Hugs x

  2. Yes, a thousand times yes.
    I share your tears.
    She is our heroine!! We now must get into warrior mode and show our strength alongside her, in this battle.
    My heart aches for her. And for a girl I saw at the vet yesterday.
    She handed over her enormous black and white cat with paws the size of a bear, she hugged him and gave him one last kiss, and as she flew out the door, she left behind tears that lingered in the air, in that room.
    We are all going through something, we are all crying for someone or some animal or some thing.
    We are all in this together, aren't we?

    1. yes
      we are all in this together

      love and light

  3. thank you

    love and light

  4. i love you.
    that's all i can say right now.
    well, that, and, i cannot stop crying.

    love and light.


  5. Love and Light to you, dear sister and lots of hugs! xoxo

  6. It so true that life ebbs and flows.. joy mixed with heartache.

  7. It's amazing that you find moments of the sweetest joy besides utter heart break. I have found this year that joy in the middle of a storm is the sweetest yet. The sadness around us seems to distill joy into something that is almost holy and sublime.
    Love to you sweet Cat xx


Your voice is welcome here, your connection appreciated. Love and Light