all images and stories are the property of Catherine Beerda-Basso and are not to be used without given permission...thank you

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Those I Love...

I have so many images...
so many beautiful faces I wanted to share with you
so in honour of those I love
here's one last post
From the Hill

this was outside my window every gift of Joy

me and the girls 
handsome young man : )
one of our cooks
my Sarah
my family 
my butterfly girl Anna...adore her
these girls melt my heart
Karin...this girl is as tiny as she is very very bright she is 

open feeding on a Saturday...these days we can feed up to 300 mouths

that one is for you Gail lol
precious treasures.... of our University girls

my traveling companions

Tanya, my gift
my Sarah and her sister
Lina, my girlfriends special child
Elisabeth, me and Sandra; these lovelies work at out centre
I love them
shoe shopping with one of my kids Marcelus
one of our little warrioress'

Mother Mary
keep the children safe...

Love and Light my Lovelies
a Lovely weekend to you!


  1. oh, cat....
    the faces.
    the spirits.
    the colours.
    the souls.

    all so precious.
    especially YOU.

    love and light

  2. Love that song
    LOVE the final photo of Mother Mary xxx

    I've replied to your email

    Love and Light
    From one Cat to another

  3. i love picture posts!!! such beautiful pictures. :) what precious people.

  4. Images that show the meaning of life. I have no other words for something so powerful.

  5. Thanks friends....those faces have my heart!

    love and light

    ps Rae, good to see you back!

  6. So wonderful to see these! LOVE.

  7. No words... Just grateful tears

  8. ahhhh my lovelies
    this is a HUGE part of my heart
    thank you for holding me....and them with such tenderness

    each of you is a part of this....never forget that
    I humbly thank you

    Love and Light

  9. lovely photos my friend xx

  10. Beautiful! You are such a light xoxo

  11. You have a beautiful Columbian family!!


Your voice is welcome here, your connection appreciated. Love and Light